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Fair Funding for FlexTech

Michigan’s legislature just introduced the 2024-25 school aid budget and charter public schools are receiving less funding than traditional public schools. We believe every child in Michigan should be valued the same, no matter what zip code they live in. We also believe that additional funding should be given to students who need it most - special education students, economically disadvantaged students, and those who need additional supports. Funding should not be differentiated based on what type of public school a child attends.

Less funding for FlexTech means less funding for teacher salaries and less funding for technology and equipment. This places FlexTech students and families at a disadvantage. 

Do you believe that ALL kids in MI should be treated the same? Then speak up now and tell your lawmakers that ALL students should be funded equitably.

Follow this link to speak to your lawmakers. Source: Michigan Association of Public School Academies